Introduction to Strawberry Benefits:
Strawberry benefits us in many ways. They were first born in France in the 18th century. They are bright-red-colored, tiny, and heart-shaped. These heart-shaped strawberries give us a clue that they are great for heart health, Increase good cholesterol, and protect against blood pressure and cancer.
Romans especially love them and they are believed to be the goddess of love sent to earth by planet Venus, When Adonis was gored by a wild boar, The tears turned into small red heart-shaped. (According to Mythology)
They are popularly known by the name garden strawberry and belong to the rose family. The sweet and sour taste of strawberries makes them a delicious fruit.
They are low in calories and do not contain sodium and contain natural sugars of only 4 grams per serving.
They are liked by Americans and were first produced in California. Yeah! So who doesn’t love strawberries? Even my love for strawberries is limitless and why not? I love strawberries because they are super healthy.
Types of Strawberries
There are 3 types of strawberries.

- June-Bearing Strawberry Varieties
- Everbearing (Day-Neutral) Strawberry Varieties
- Alpine Strawberries
Strawberry Benefits & Nutrients in It
- Antioxidants
- Fiber
- Potassium
- Vitamin- C
- Calcium
- Vitamin A
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Phosphorous
Amazing Strawberry Benefits for Overall Health
1. Improves Vision:
Strawberries are full of antioxidants and thus help in keeping cataracts away, especially in elders. Daily consumption of strawberries may also help to strengthen and safeguard the cornea and retina.
2. Healthy Skin:
Strawberries are full of antioxidants that prevent collagen destruction, Collagen is a protein necessary to keep your skin, soft supple, and healthy Being a great source of vitamin C they can cleanse the skin and keep it healthy by protecting your skin from harmful UV rays of the sun. They can remove the excess sebum on the skin as it is acidic in nature and can also remove dark spots and hyperpigmentation. They can be used to make excellent face masks to fight oily skin and keep your skin younger-looking and naturally glowing.

3. Weight Loss:
Strawberries help us in shedding those extra kilos as they are low in calories. They are a rich source of fiber and water and contain natural sugars that help in keeping your stomach feel full and satisfied for a longer period. Thus strawberries help in losing weight.
4. Good For Pregnant Women:
Strawberries contain vitamin B9 or Folate that needs to be consumed by pregnant women or those who are trying to conceive. Vitamin B9 plays an important role in the development of a baby’s cognitive spinal cord and skull and thus preventing birth defects like spina bifida congenital.
5. Boosts Immunity:
Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C that is essential for fighting against various bacterial infections and various viruses and thus helps in raising immunity levels. Immunity is the capability of the body to fight against various diseases causing organisms.
6. Builds Stronger Bones:
Many studies reveal that eating strawberries regularly helps in reducing inflammation in the joints, Prevents Arthritis named Osteoporosis, and keeps bones stronger. They are packed with nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Manganese, and Calcium Which aid in the formation of bones structure
Strawberries are good for maintaining your overall health. So it is advisable to include them in your diet. June is the best month to get fresh strawberries, otherwise, They are available the whole year in the supermarkets.
Also read: Top 7 health benefits of oranges